July 28, 2022

Brilliant news ... our beautiful Vyron has found a home.

Thursday 28th July, 2022

 Vyron - 1

Due to circumstances beyond anyone's control, beautiful Vyron couldn't stay where he was and there was a risk that he would have to come back to us. Much as we love him, we really didn't want this lovely boy to have to spend more time in a shelter, even though it's our shelter and he would be loved and cared for.

Despite countless appeals and sharing on Facebook, blogs, the website etc. it really looked as if that was going to happen. And then, at the eleventh hour (that fabulous eleventh hour) Vyron was adopted and found another forever home.

With many thanks and with gratitude to everyone who helped bring about this happy outcome, and especially to Vyron's new family. Wishing you a very happy life with your new boy.

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