February 21, 2022

Easter egg sale for SHIN 🐣🐣🐣

Monday 21st February 2022

Dear animal friends, 

Our Christmas campaign for SHIN , Spanish dogs in need, was a success thanks to you. 

We collected 660 euros 🥳 We would like to match this amount through our Easter action 🐣

Cindy Lories and I are selling bags of Easter eggs at 5 euros each 🌟 no shipping costs.

The proceeds will go entirely to SHIN. This money can be used to buy dogs free from a killing station. 

What is a killing station?

These are appointed by the Spanish government to deal with the 'nuisance' of dogs. Dogs are caught randomly on the street and brought to a Perrera. If nobody picks up the dog within 10 days, they are killed. 

When there is space in the Refugio, dogs are bought to free them. Because the Perrera earns money by killing the dog Fabienne has to pay the Perrera to give the dogs a chance of a future. SHIN has to pay 40 euros per dog to be able to buy them free.

So please buy our delicious Easter eggs and contribute to the release of dogs 🐶

You can order through Elsie Durand mail address: Consulenteelsievictoria@gmail.com

Sharing is sweet 🙏

Collection and delivery in the last week of March.

Love Cindy and Elsie ❤

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