July 12, 2021

Volunteer Collection & Transport on the road for our four-legged friends…

 Sunday 11 July 2021

Our supporters continuously donate items and food for our dogs and cats in Spain at various collection points. Sometimes you don't realize what a logistical operation it is to get this to its destination. Our volunteers are busy getting the collections to one central point, from where the transport to Spain can be arranged. Fortunately, we can rely on the voluntary help of Colle Internationale Transport from Sittard, where we can collect everything and have it packed for transport to Spain.

On Saturday our volunteers went out again for our four-legged friends. Bep and Theo brought a lot of collected items (together with Mirella) to Sittard. As soon as there are enough items in Sittard, this can be transported to Spain on one transport. So collect!!!

For this action they rented a van with money collected from the savings group “Collection”. Also a big THANK YOU to all contributors!

Would you also like to help and fill our "collection jar" again? You can also do this via the Tikkie link below:

Will you please pay me for "Fundraiser" via:


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