She's been with us since January 2016. Along with her friend Pepper. Pepper has been adopted and we urgently want dear Lila to find her forever home. She is currently in fostercare in Belgium. To see her latest video, from February 2017, click here. And for more information about this sweetheart, look here.
This is the story of her rescue, along with Pepper, told by Melissa, the volunteer who saved them.
"One day I got a call via Facebook. Some dogs had been dumped in Elviria and apparently they had already bee there for months. When I went to take a look, that first day, we searched for two hours but they were nowhere to be found. The next day I went back and then I had more luck. Two beautiful Podencos were walking on top of the mountain and apparently people already knew about them because food was being put out for them. One of the dogs approached me very quickly and after 10 minutes were they both even eating out of my hand ... but it was impossible to catch them or put a collar them. In the end I spent three weeks trying to catch them. Little by little I began to give up hope. We requested the help of the police and the municipality but we got the door shut in our faces. And then there came that day ...
We were able to use a trapcage and had put food in it. Both Podencos came to watch because they smelled the delicious food. One of the two approached the cage, only went in halfway, and suddenly the trap door closed. I did not know what happened ... and then I saw it, the white with reddish Podenco was trapped. Euphoria went through me and I was beginning to get my hopes up. I gave her the name, Lila, and arranged for her to be taken safely to the ACE Refugio. In the following days I really did everything possible to catch the other Podenco because now she was all alone and had a wound on her leg. I had not seen her for three days; I waited in Elviria from morning till evening, but she was nowhere to be found. I was so afraid that she had left out of terror. I had put food down and the next morning it was gone. It might as well have been taken by a cat but I decided to use the trapcage on that spot. I really didn't believe that she would go in, since she had seen that her friend, Lila, was caught in it.
And yet ... that day at dusk there suddenly came limping up a little black Podenco, I couldnt believe it. She went straight to the cage and yes ... she was trapped. I called her Pepper because of her colour, and also because she had pepper in her ass, she was so fast. Lila and Pepper are now together in the Refugio, it was such a beautiful reunion, very touching to see because they spent and experienced all their time on the run together. Most likely were they dumped by a hunter (Lilas eartips are cut off). Lila is doing very well with people, at first she was hesitant but she was willing to be caressed and to wear a collar ... she even even gives you licks. Pepper is having a more difficult time. At first she would crawl away if you wanted to caress her, but now has she made a major step forward. If you are standing by her cage, she wags her tail and also allows you to pet her. People don't have to worry about these dogs being wild, because both have a very sensitive heart ... and they can undoubtedly become perfect pets provided that are treated with patience and a lot of love ... "

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