When I went with Fabienne to look at all the recent changes and the new sections, she stopped as she always does to speak to this dog here, cuddle that one there. In one cage there was a large dog and a small dog. A very handsome Husky and a small Bodeguero. Two different breeds yet here, in the shelter, each had found a soulmate. They share their cage, they love and support each other in this sad time, while waiting until their plight opens someone's heart.
MacGyver had been used for breeding but when for whatever reason the breeder wasn't making the expected profits, poor MacGyver was dumped. Luckily he came to us. But Spain, especially in the hot months is no place for a Husky. This sweet character, as can be seen on the videos - see link below - is social and very friendly. A lovely boy who just needs someone who understands his breed.
Litte Vagebond was found wandering the streets of Seville with his friend, Senor. Fortunately we were able to take them in. Vagebond looked out for his friend on the streets and again in the shelter. Senor was very sensitive and suffered greatly from his experience so he has gone into foster care, where he can begin to recover. Sweet Vagebond is a cheerful, optimitic little soul - happy and couragous. Now that his friend is being cared for he has turned his attention to looking after his new big friend MacGyver - they have become soulmates. How wonderful if they could find a loving forever home together. That would be the ideal.

For more information please click each name : MacGyver Vagebond
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