'Rest in peace, dear child.'
It was so nearly a happy ending. She was very old, she'd been treated shockingly and thrown out at 18 years of age. But miracles happen; she had found her golden basket.
It's with great sadness, therefore, that I have to tell you that little Hera died, the day before she was to travel to the Netherlands. So she never knew that someone was waiting for her, someone who wanted to care for her and love her to the end. Her heartbroken adopter writes -
'My poor little girl ... everything was arranged and everything was ready for you, including your golden basket ....Tonight you would fly ....And just today you shut your eyes ...I so wanted to pamper you, even if only for the short time you had left. To let you see that you did matter. To show you how much I care. I wanted to give you all my love.
It was not to be, as of today ...
But for you the world is no longer blind, you have no painful mammary tumor, no more stiff old bones ...
You're free now ...
You can now float on the wind ...
Rest in peace, dear child.
Unfortunately, we will never meet but you are forever in my heart!
Love, Eugenie'
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