Also many Spaniards had put messages on their own Facebook page about the water misery at the Refugio. And that got a lot of things moving. Within the day Fabienne had received phone calls from 152 people wanting to come over and help with the cleaning. Others wanted to come and bring water or bring money to buy water for the cleaning.
On Saturday afternoon the Refugio was so full of water that Dirk didn't know what to do anymore. He had been carrying water all day long and did not know where to put it, there was no space left. His back was killing him. Many Spanish people kept on calling and asked how they could help us. Incredible! We were overwhelmed.
As to the fire. The danger is averted for the moment - we were so lucky this time. But we must ask ourselves seriously, what will we do when it happens again? Because this is normal in Spain, it happens every year. We don't have an evacuation plan ready at hand. We don't even have any fire extinguishers so at the moment we couldn't even put out a small fire. We will contact the fire brigade to see if they can help us draft a fire evacuation plan for the Refugio so that everyone knows what they should do in case of fire.
If we can afford it after we have solved our water problem we really want to get rid of all the plants and weeds next to the Refugio. We can't do that ourselves as this area is full of poisonous spiders big snakes and big rats. If it wasn't for them we would have done the job long ago.
We'll keep you posted, from Spain and Netherlands. For regular updates, please click on The ACE Facebook page
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