Truffel is a lively dog. She's full of fun and loves to play and romp. She's also happy to just lie calmly at your feet. Like so many others she was dumped by her owners - hard to understand because she's an easy going dog, ideal for a family. If you make her part of yours she'll be your friend for life.

Johanna was found, weak and emaciated, with her five puppies, neglected and covered with ticks. She's doing well and we're hoping that somewhere a Galgo fan will fall in love with her and give her a caring home. Johanna is sweet and submissive, still somewhat hesitant and shy, due to her past no doubt. But she shows absolutely no sign of aggression. Who will show Johanna that the world can be a loving place, a place that will show her the respect she hasn't known in her four years. It may take a little patience but you'll soon melt her golden heart.

Staf, or Staffke as he is affectionately called. That's the clue - Staffies are the most friendly and loving dogs when left alone to be the sweet characters they are. Staffke is only five and was happy with his owner until the economic crisis hit. Staffke's boss was forced to move to a tiny apartment where he couldn't have a dog. Heartbroken he came to us and asked us to find a good home for his companion. Staf needs a boss who is active and understands the breed - he will reward you with loving friendship.
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