Sad, grieving and filthy - Yuko when we rescued him
Do you remember Yuko? I wrote about him in my original 'The halt and the lame' post on July 21st. He's an eight year old cocker spaniel who'd been dumped by his 'owner' and then brought to the killing station. As you can see from the pictures he came to us filthy, scared and grieving. Grieving for his family. Not understanding how this could happen. He couldn't settle, he was so sad. So sad.
And then. A phone call. The lady was in tears. Had we, perhaps, taken in a black cocker spaniel? She and her husband had divorced. Her husband had taken the dog - and then the dog had disappeared. She lived in Cordoba and had been looking for Yuko for months. He wasn't in any of the killing stations there or in her area.
Such happiness - Yuko and his owner reunited
Was the little black Yuko we'd taken in her dog? Her precious Yuko? He was! Their reunion had everyone in tears. It was so moving. Their happiness was so great. It's horrible that people use a dog as an emotional weapon, horrible that his poor lady and her family had to suffer. That Yuko had to suffer. But it's all right now. This is one wonderful happy ending. Yuko is home!
A happy family!
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