May 27, 2012

This is Spain in 2012

These neglected, suffering dogs were found in Tarifa, right behind a shopping centre where hundreds of people pass daily. Not far from the beaches crowded with holidaymakers, despite the economic crisis. Life rushes by but these poor creatures also have a right to life. They were born to be happy too, to lead a dignified existence.  Once they were healthy and full of expectation, both the mother and the puppies.In this case, the Seprona, the division of the Spanish Civil Guard responsible for animal welfare, stepped in and brought the dogs to a clinic. But for some, after already suffering great distress, it was too late.

Thrown out, discarded, ignored and left to die

A mother desperately tries to lick her puppy back to life 

Too late

Little ears full of ticks

Pray it's not too late for this little one

Fighting for his life

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