This is the video that Jorine sent me
It makes us all so happy to see 'our' dogs - dogs rescued by A.C.E. in Spain - enjoying their new lives with their wonderful adoptive families. Here sweet Chica, who was formerly known as Laurel, and darling Champ can be seen having a great time together with their step brothers. Jorine, Chica's new owner and Barbalou who adopted Champ, meet regularly with all their dogs. It's so heartwarming to see the dogs running free together. Champ is the black and brown Beaucheron and Chica the brown Shepherd Cross

This is Champ when he was still in the Refugio, with Chica in the background. Thank you Jorine and Barbalou for this photo which I 'stole' from your Facebook pages. I'm sure you don't mind.
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