November 24, 2021

Why? Why Jobo? Why so long?

Wednesday 24th November, 2021

Why on  earth is it that some dogs just seem to get overlooked? 

I've written before about our long stayers, those good dogs who for some reason just don't get picked. Even so I was rather shocked when I read Jobo's details. In fact I had to read the dates several times. Most of our long stayers have been with us for perhaps, two, three or even four years. But seven? Seven long years waiting for a forever home?

Jobo was a young dog when he came to us from one of the nastiest killing stations. A timid, beautiful Podenco cross, abandoned in that horrible place by an owner who didn't deserve to own a dog. Of course, like most of our dogs, Jobo has his backpack - the emotional burden of his past bad experiences at the hands of humans. Jobo gets on well with other dogs and one of our students spent a lot of time with him, showing him how kind and unthreatening humans can be. It helped him a lot, but what he really needs now is an owner who will give him the gentle, reassuring love and attention he needs and wants but is still maybe a little reluctant to trust. 

It's so sad to see the photos of sweet Jobo when he first came to us as a two year old , and to see his white muzzle now that he is nine. Nine is not old, not at all. But seven years is a long long time. Fortunately Jobo is currently living in a loving foster home, but what he really needs now is is very own family. Who will invest some time, patience and love in this dog who needs it so much and has so much to give?

For more information about our Jobo, please click on his name.

Jobo at the beginning

Jobo now

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