July 15, 2021

Smoke (Ace: Muffin)

 Tuesday 13 July 2021

Lieve Smoke (ace: Muffin) has been living with us for over a year now and what a tough guy he is!

As scary as he finds it, he does it all anyway. Sometimes with a lot of apparent bravado, sometimes he pulls himself back and it's still no fun being in the car. But most of the time he visibly enjoys, especially walking, playing and swimming with his big brother Bacchus and then relaxing with his sweet, soft sister Ziggy (Ace: Dulcina).

He keeps people a bit at a distance and he likes to see the cat out of the tree first, but he listens to his owners like the best. So running loose is no problem at all. The best moment of the day is when we go out, then he he almost can't contain himself, it's such fun.

And more and more often we can cuddle, he likes it (secretly).

Dear Ace volunteers, on behalf of us, Ron, Steef, Bacchus and Ziggy, thank you so much for saving sweet Smoke, we couldn't live without any of them.

Smoke, Bacchus and Ziggy.

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