July 15, 2021

In memoriam Sientje (ace Alba)

 Tuesday 13 July 2021

Our Sientje has fallen asleep on her seat this morning. In February 2020 her kidney values ​​were not good (creatinine 310). Then I gave Ipaketine and Fortekor and homeopathy and .. a miracle: after 5 weeks her kidney values ​​were back great! Creatinine 69!!!

Three weeks ago with the warm weather she lost her appetite ... Her creatinine was then 228 : Manageble ... and after a cortisone injection she ate well again but a good week later again she did not want to eat ... Creatinine 700 ... tried everything for another week but no miracle happened this time and yesterday her creatinine was 1000 so we had to make a tough decision on the vet's advice. This morning she was still sleeping on her couch when he came by and at 8 o'clock she fell asleep peacefully. But she had a great time for almost 2 years - probably the best time of her life!

After 12.5 years of suffering in Spain, finally a happy dog ​​- too bad she couldn't enjoy it longer and we loved her. Shin's description was perfect: at first timid but she trusted us quickly and then: the sweetest dog!

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