July 12, 2021

Fabienne's dog of the week: Kalita...

 Monday 12 July 2021

What bad luck for this huge good girl. Kalita was adopted 6 years ago with a nice owner and they were good buddies together. Unfortunately her owner recently passed away, so Kalita is now looking for a new home. Kalita is therefore completely used to domestic life: she walks neatly on a lead, can run free where it is responsible and she is toilet trained. In the foster family she lives with 3 other dogs and that is fine; she has quickly adapted to the new rhythm and gets along with the other dogs. However, we think that she would also be fine as a dog alone, provided she is given enough time and attention. Kalita is a real outdoor fan: scurrying around in the garden, chasing her nose a bit and above all lying in the sun. A nice garden or a lot of walking outside is therefore a real must. 

Kalita can can be a bit insecure in the beginning and is very focused on the owners. She really wants to do it right. After a few weeks she relaxes and shows her naughty side too. Don't be fooled by her age, Kalita is really fit and active and is in no way inferior to the younger dogs in the foster family. After a day of playing and sniffing outside, she likes to curl up next to you on the couch. With her light lashes, she is a real Spanish beauty that you will immediately be charmed by. 

She is very good at communicating what she wants. With a whole arsenal of cries, beeps, and barks she can make it perfectly clear what she wants: she wants to pee, she finds something exciting or something very nice, such as food. Is everything perfect about her then? Come on, she's not too fond of cats. Those are just weird creatures that you have to bark away or run after. Enthusiastic about this very sweet girl? Kalita can be visited with her foster family in Drenthe.

For more information about Kalita, please click on her name.

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