July 08, 2021

Fabienne's Diary: Summer has arrived ... and how ...

 Monday 5 July 2021

It's summer  .. we will get through it. Our dogs are now too hot again. The warm air blows through their cages. Often their thoughts go out to the owner who is engraved on their heart, but who left them behind.  While they have never forgotten them. The nights remain warm, it doesn't get cooler.

Walking through the sections way too often your heart breaks. Cause each one of them came in with a story, or was plucked from a killing station.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

None of them should be sitting here, small, big, old or young. We as a rescue shelter should not exist. The dumping is worse than ever and the phone does not stop, filled with pleas for help or solutions. But we have often reached a limit.

If only people understood that these animals also have feelings and know what's going on. If only people could adopt a little more including the more difficult ones, then the shelters would look different. But the utopia remains and reality collides every day our face. Here in Andalusia, and in so many other places!

In the meantime, it is summer 2021 and it continues happily, because even though we are working so hard to avoid all this. A person is only a person, and it is a difficult road… But for us, every life remains important.

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