July 12, 2021

Fabienne's Diary: Kayla, a lame dog who didn't stand a chance.

 Saturday 10 July 2021

She was one of the many running back and forth in the killing station, anxious and unsure, not knowing what and how. And in between we saw this little Perro de Agua crawling.

She has a serious problem, a serious handicap. We don't know  exactly what it is yet. Because she was severely malnourished and weak, she must first gain strength and then we will see how we are going to deal with this. Does she need surgery or could things go better for her?

Kayla is an insecure and frightened dog. Never counted, never loved. A dog that was never welcome. That's for sure. And now only in the killing station. Here her days would have been numbered.  But luckily her happiness lay elsewhere than in an icy terminal station. 

Kayla is now going to get to know another world and together we will do everything we can to ensure her happiness!

For more information about Kayla, please click on her name.

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