July 06, 2021

Fabienne's Diary: Daikiri, finally released after years in prison...

 Saturday 3 July 2021

His paws on the bars,… And when you walked by, you got a lick and a warm greeting. He had been there for two years, but first his owner had to hand him over and that was complicated. We negotiated and negotiated, until they finally released him. When we took him to our bus he didn't know for a moment, he looked at us and back again. He walked out of his cell, unsure.  Scared and unsure. Until he entered the bus in our arms.

Moments like these you will never forget. Free, free. After two years on death row. So many who passed him on the way to the chamber of death and never barked, nor were heard, by no one. And were missed by no one. Except our boy and several other dogs around him. This is the pure real ity, every day here in Spain,…

Daikiri was lucky. May we now find the best owner.

For more information about Daikiri, please click on his name. To see the video, please look on the Dutch Blog.

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