July 08, 2021

 Monday 5 July 2021

Update on our dear Oda

Oda has been with us for almost 5 months now and things are going really well!

From the first day she seemed to feel comfortable with us, she is a big fan of my husband, she quickly found her place in the house and after 2 weeks she seemed to feel a bit more familiar with us and also more playful behaviour began to emerge.

Oda goes to a walking service 3 times a week; at the beginning she found this very exciting and she was a bit aggressive / afraid of the other dogs.

That's why we let her go every day for three weeks so that she could get used to it and now she walks well and runs happily with the other dogs and also plays with them. Not only does she really enjoy going with them, but she also really enjoys coming home (see video).

We are very happy with Oda, and are happy every day that we have taken her home. She can be stubborn at times and with her weight and size it can be a challenge to get her to listen but as long as we are clear and consistent she picks things up really quickly. It's very nice to see that she wants to do a lot to please us.

Last week my husband and I got married and of course Oda had to be with us in the wedding photos and also at the wedding she behaved very well, she knows exactly how to ask people's attention in a calm way and does not push herself. Our vet also thought she was very good for a re-homer!

She is also a big fan of my nephew and the two can play very nicely with each other.

Thanks again for the nice transfer of Oda and we are very happy with our little cow every day.

For the videos, please see the Dutch blog.

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