March 08, 2021

Update Mica (ACE name Micaela 17437)

 Saturday, March 6, 2021

Buen día,

Since the beginning of October 2020, I ended up at my forever home in Clinge in the Netherlands with Nathalie and Jessie after a pleasant stay with my Dutch foster family with Inge Meijer van Houten.

How happy I was that there were still doggy buddies in my new home. They looked very different from what I am used to in Spain. The introduction to Beagle Obi and Beagle Barre went very smoothly. They are older dogs and I feel comfortable with them.

My new owners were also very nice to me, but I found their hands scary. At first I was afraid of that because I was not used to this in Spain. But now I can't get enough of it… how delicious 😊

Unfortunately I had to say goodbye to doggy buddy Barre too early due to illness.

Fortunately, my owners quickly found a doggy buddy for me. They found a perfect playmate in a young cross podenco Lexi.

I enjoy running in the garden with her and taking long walks together. I then relax with our oldie beagle Obi.

How grateful I am to ACE SHIN for buying me out of that scary Spanish killing station and making my life better ❤

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