July 15, 2018

Today's Diary ... our dogs in danger.

We were at home when the telephone rang: "Fabienne, you know that ..." When I looked out of my window I saw a big black cloud coming from the refugio, we are already in the summer but I assure you that your heart goes crazy, ... Our dogs, 350 and more, were in danger, ... We were immediately shot into action, ... Our men and our young forces were there within 10 min and, indeed, it was serious and dangerously close but the great firefighters and fire-fighters did very well to to get it out.


Everyone rallied round to help


As  well as police and fire department, there were helicopters overhead dumping water to quench the flames. There's a video on the Dutch blog.

It was not just our dogs that were in danger. Horses and wildlife too.

Dramatic and far too close for comfort. The gates ca be seen, with the dog's head sculpture at the bottom of the picture.

Seen from the Refugio - across the big field.

So close. So frightening. Much closer than last time.

At the mercy of wind and fire.

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