We've had a dog basket in the sitting room for two weeks now. The basket belongs to Tyco, a very sweet dog who is now part of our family.
In the house Tygo is feeling more and more at ease. He listens well, is cheerful, likes to play (search games and Kong are favorite) and finds it wonderful to cuddle. For the first few days he was often keeping watch and kept an eye on us. Meanwhile he is very relaxed when asleep.
Outside, he needs more time to get used to everything. He is startled by sounds and is alert to everything around him. We are letting him build trust by going often an short circuits of places he knows, slowly expanding the area we walk in an avoiding other dogs to give him the chance to get less stressed (because he sometimes does stress). Fortunately, he can also be fully occupied outside with sticks, sniffing, digging and running around. We are very happy with Tygo.

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