When our volunteers were searching for a mother in distress after we'd ad a call about her, they suddenly came across Loulou, who was in a very advanced state of neglect. This oldie had a huge bump on her body, her skin was in a terrible state, she was not making a fuss about it. This weak dog came to them for a hug and didn't want to leave their side.
Suddenly, her owner showed up. He told them that a horse had stamped on her and she had been walking with this lump ever since. He hadn't done anything about it. Even though she looked so bad, he had nothing to say for himself. " What did they expect him to do about it" he said? He shrugged his shoulders and said, "Take her with you, I don't need her any more, I have no more use for him."
Loulou did not look back once, she jumped straight into the car and became one of ours ... Finally she is getting the care she needs. Loulou has a warm and sweet character, even though she has never known love.

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