June 06, 2015

Our Stef has become a Celebrity!

Stef formerly Stevie Wonder

An update from Steph's adoring mistress ...

On June 24, 2014 I saw your little Stef on the website. It was thought that you were deaf and blind, Stef, not so easy for you to live in a refugio with many other dogs. And I thought, you've been in the refugio for nine months, unapproachable by anyone, snapping and even daring to bite, you poor little fellow, you must come to us. And that's how it happened.

On 3rd July, at the airport it was proposed that the bench shouldn't be opened ... and yet we did open it. We were welcomed by an excited and alert 'youngster'. All the way home you sat up in front on my lap. We got home at half past two in the morning. We took you to see if you wanted a pee, and maybe a sip of water. But you weren't interested in any of that.  We put your basket beside the bed. But no, that wasn't what you wanted, you were restless. We took you onto the bed, and then you were very agitated - we figured you didn't like it, and then - a warm pee on me. OK. Once again outside. And then you slept quietly, undisturbed by our presence.

The first week seemed exemplary - but then your true nature came out. Nipping and biting, on my eye several times on my nose, definitely my fingers, which were attacked daily. And then slowly the breakthrough. Stef was sweet, calm, and patient. Stef felt good. We took Stef with us on vacation and Stef got it from the get go. Bathroom in a new spot, steps down to the meadow, trot through the hall to find me in the bedroom. He loved it, his tail was wagging all the time.

Stef is definitely learning new things. Stef is not deaf, definitely not. We went with him to the vets at Wageningen. Unfortunately, nothing can be done about his blindness. His eye development stopped  at the foetal stage. He's never known anything else. But deaf, no. He's not deaf. At the most it's that he can't concentrate when there are a lot of people or dogs around him. So now when Stef walks with us we have a  bell around our ankle, and he loves this. He sleeps with his little head on the arm of his mistress, snores like a big dog and his mistress sleeps as best she can!!!

Stef is super sweet and doesn't bite now. He did so earlier as a warning because he was insecure and frightened but now he will growl instead to warn you that he doesn't know what you mean or what your intentions are. My husband gets mega high scores over here in the neighborhood, all the neighbors love him because he walks Loan Pieter early every morning and in the evening with Stef and he wears the bell so Stef will know he is close by. Stef has become a celebrity. Previously he found everything a little scary, now he struts around as if he owns the world. Stef is very social, sometimes he finds other dogs secretly scary, but he is not about to show it ... Well ... he is a male huh!

In the forest he avoids all the trees, walks nicely on the paths and follows the sound of the bell and the voice of his mistress, who talks to him constantly. We never imagined that Stef would come as far as he has already. He really wants to do it - and he is bursting with life .... He has his flaws because, well, walking with a collar around my neck and a lead ... I don't think so!!! As to having my fur combed, no not that either. But let's just let that go - no one is perfect! Stef certainly isn't but he's come so far ...

To fully appreciate how far Steph has indeed come, read more of his story.

Miracle dog in the arms of his forever mistress, who's love is transforming him.

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