In September, it will be that time again. The A.C.E. Foundation's 'Big Reunion'.
An annual event where all our ACE dogs, their owners, our volunteers and stakeholders are invited to spend a pleasant afternoon of fun with the animals.
Not to be missed!
The team from Spain
Founders Fabienne and Ton (and a large part of the Spanish team) are also
coming to the party. They cannot wait to come face to face once more
with your four-legged friends, who after their 'Spanish Dog's Life' have
found loving home in the Netherlands.
On this day we celebrate all together the success of these successful adoptions.
Great Reunion = Greatest Enjoyment
'The Big Reunion' takes place on Saturday 06-09-2014 from
11:00 to 16:30 on the event grounds of VDH in Eindhoven.
The dogs can safely roam and romp in this enclosed area
and there is also plenty to do for the owners. Visit the A.C.E. information booth, the
various stalls or just enjoy the day from the cozy 'musical' terrace and enjoy a portion of Belgian potatoes from Fabienne's Frietkot.
To hold this special day we are unfortunately forced to ask a small financial contribution: € 7.50 per adult and € 5 per child under 12 years. Any profits after deducting expenses is always given to the
A.C.E. Foundation and is supervised by the Treasurer.
Dogs are guests of honour and have free access!
Signup is done by sending an email to: pers@ace-charity.org
o.v.v. registration ACEDAG 2014.
Please indicate how many people and dogs are coming.
After registration, you will receive a confirmation email including payment information.
During the ACE-day there are about150 to 200 dogs running around loose.
Visitors themselves are responsible for the welfare of their own dogs.
If a dog dog is not used to a lot of people or other dogs, is shy or timid or a bit of an escape artist, we recommend that you keep that dog on the lead. Security and the interests of the dog are paramount. ,
As for us Saturday, September 6th!
Team Netherlands
Contact ACEDAG, Nens Janssen Pr and promotion ACE Netherlands
Address ACEDAG
ESP 10A | 5633 BH Eindhoven
In the run up to the event we will send more information
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