Today, Sunday 10th March, is Mother's Day in England. A day when children buy flowers and treats for their mums and often make breakfast or cook the lunch. But, in truth, every day is Mother's Day,* because it's mothers who are always there to listen, to kiss it better, to help and to hug.

This is Mama Mia with her puppies, being hugged by our lovely students. But look carefully. All the puppies are pale, like their mum. Except the little black one on the end - little Black Pepper. He does not belong in this litter, clearly he didn't belong. But when we found Mama Mia in the killing station she was caring for him as one of her own. The brothers and sisters looked on him as another brother. She is just as protective of him as she is of her natural puppies. Beautiful to see - a mother's love.
This is Maiky. Hers is a heartbreaking story, for the poor darling is indeed heartbroken. When we found her at the killing station the milk was running from her, but her puppies were nowhere to be seen. They must have been very tiny, very small, certainly not old enough to leave their mum, but they were gone. We were too late for the puppies, though not too late for Maiky. She's a gentle, loving dog despite her sorrow. Though she is grieving, she looks everywhere for her puppies, for she's a mum. We try to distract her and hope that this beautiful, faithful Setter will soon find happiness and a new home.
This sweet dog was found at the side of the road with her seven puppies. Whether she was dumped there with the puppies we will never know. But given how tiny the puppies are it's quite possible she actually gave birth at the roadside. Poor mum, so obviously neglected but still caring for her little ones and protecting them. They are very fragile; we are giving them and their mama all the care we can and we hope they will make it. And when she can leave them for a moment, we'll give her a nice bath and clean her up.
* Of course there are loving fathers as well, who love and care for their kids. It's just that today is Mother's Day. Dad's get their turn in June!
These stories are all from the wonderful Fabienne's Diary on the website.
Yes, everyday should be Mother's Day, as moms will not always be around for us, so we have to make them feel that we love them every single day. My best mothers day wishes to all wonderful mom around the world.