Bombadonneke - home at last
There are so many dogs at El Refugio, they are all special. So it has to be an exceptional little creature that stands out among all the other lovely creatures. For me, that little dog was Bombadonneke - a sweet fat little Bodequero. I noticed her first because she was in a run with several other dogs and they were all tormenting her. She was so desperate to escape that, little pudding though she was, she somehow managed to squeeze herself under the wire and get out into the big enclosure. That evening Fabienne took her home with her, she could see that Bomba needed some extra care.
The reason for Bomba's portly figure became evident some months later. (And also probably explained why she was the object of such attention in the pen). Little Bomba was pregnant although we'd been told that she had been sterilised. Very late one night, when Fabienne had taken her with her to the airport, Bomba became very ill. An emergency Cesaerean revealed a very large, and sadly dead, puppy.
Luckily our sweet little Bomba recovered. Fabienne put her on a diet of green beans. She lost 6 kilos. At great personal cost, because she loved her so much, Fabienne sent her to foster care in Holland. She knew this was Bombadonneke's best chance of finding a forever home. I was so happy when I went to Holland in September and got to see her again.
And now the brilliant news. After a couple of false starts Bomba is home. This week, in her diary, Fabienne told us about the happy ending. Our Bomba now has her forever home. Her new owners adore her and she adores them.
Before the Green Bean Diet
Reunited with Fabienne on Dog Day - Holland September 2012

A precious new addition to the family
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