August 23, 2021

Fabienne's Diary: A black Sharpei on the streets of Seville....ORUS

 Friday, August 20, 2021

He had been walking around on the streets of Seville for months. He went to the many (closed) restaurants, and tried to survive despite everything, despite Corona, despite his dumping.  Fortunately, there were still some people who regularly threw him some food.

His character endeared everyone. Children came to hug him and he liked it all, he enjoyed it too. He has a very sweet character, and is also very social with people and children. He is currently having a very difficult time, because he is not used to a cage, he is grieving.

Orus is a very good and sweet Sharpei, who we would like to see placed with people who know and care for the breed, and who appreciate its personality. He is a sweetheart who should be able to come home somewhere, and preferably as soon as possible.

For more information about our dear Orus, please click on his name.

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