August 20, 2021

Chapar (El Chaparral 11 910) 5 years with us!

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Chapar flew to Zaventem on August 18, 2016.

That was already 5 years ag .

They thought he was around 2 years old.

The night before we could not sleep .

The stress of getting into the heavily guarded airport (there had been an attack on Zaventem in March )

How will Chapar and we react ?

So many questions ???

He is a real macho. He took to me and our daughter Imogen.

After 5 months he started to trust my husband.

So everyone was happy!

He is very welcome.

Some atmospheric photos from Brittany in the holiday home of ace /shin galgo Marty (12 310)

The book BOEF that I was reading is a must read. πŸ‘

Is about a true story of a Spanish wild dog called BOEF with all the antics he did and also the patience of the adopters.

Our Lucky Man Chapar,

Geraldine, Chris and Imogen.


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