September 01, 2022

Fabienne's diary: two little dogs thrown out of the car "en plein public".


Thursday 1st September, 2022

It was still very hot that evening in Seville. People were sitting on a terrace when suddenly a van drove by, opened the door and two little dogs flew through the air and away it went with squealing tyres. The bystanders were looking on in amazement and did not understand what they had just seen. The two defenceless dogs rolled back and forth and were perplexed, frightened, fleeing to every corner. Fortunately, people were quick to take them in and soothe and comfort them, but the damage had been done.

And now, who was going to take them to heart? That, of course, was another matter. That was us, we took them in immediately and they are two very sweet and good little dogs that clearly came from a home. The first few days they were very upset but today they are doing a little better, they can be placed separately or together, but in any case they have to leave together so that none of them is left behind and they can come home together, albeit separately. Both dogs are little sweethearts and deserve only the best!

For more information on darlings Abbott and Costello, please click on their names.

Abbott - 1


Costello - 3


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