August 06, 2022

Fabienne's Diary: My "animales" are 'flown' " ...

 Saturday 6th August ( from diary of Thursday 4 August) 2022

We are allowed to laugh, even if it is not always a laughing matter ... This morning I got a phone call, a heavy strange voice asked me:

"Are you the one who has a protectora de animales" Animales, animales ... Yes, I answered, what can I help you with? And all this in Andalusian.

"Well, I must have my animales, and quickly, because my animales have disappeared, can you imagine, they are gone. Where have they gone? Are they with you? I have been away because I had to go to war and now I am back and everything is gone, goddamn the bastards, everything is gone..."

With me sir, which animales are you talking about perhaps? "My animales hey, my animales hey, they are all gone ..." And there we go again ...

He had birds, dogs and cats and rabbits and,... All left behind,... And sir, how long were you away, that your "animales" disappeared? "Well hey, 3 years , because I am, and you certainly don't know that, I am Kapitan!!!" The Kapitan shouted and it went on and on.... He was a good captain with experience and standing,...

I called Veerle and she too could hear what 'special' people there are in this world. I politely told him that we still had a lot of work to do, and that his "animales" would certainly not have been waiting for him... And so we continue ...

What a dummy! 

(Our Pachon thinks so...)

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