March 01, 2022

Happiness can't be measured in time but in love: Young

 Tuesday 1st March, 2022

I want to highlight this entry in Fabienne's Diary, because it illustrates so beautifully that it's love that matters. That however long a dog or a cat has had to endure a miserable, cruel existence there is always hope. Hope for a few years of love. Of happiness. 

Adopting an older soul is such a magnificent thing to do. Don't think - 'well, he or she will probably only have a few years, or even less.' And don't think "I could bear it when he or she goes to the Rainbow Bridge." That day is alway devastating, heartbreaking - but turn it round. Think of the joy that poor soul enjoyed with you, the quality of their life and the love, and not the length. And while it will of course be heartbreaking at the end, you will have the memories of the time you spent together, the love they gave you and the love you gave them. 

The story below is inspirational. An illustration of the rewards for adopting an oldie. Thank you to Fabienne and team for rescuing Young, and thank you - a massive thank you - to Young's adopters. A sweet old boy had the two best years of his life, thanks to you.

From Fabienne's Diary:

Young, an old Podenco used for hunting in Spain, lived for years in misery with one of the many hunters who saw him as a tool of no value. He was dumped by his hunter in an inexorable killing station where his days were numbered. We saved him from that, and then… Then suddenly adopters came into the picture, who gave him the best two years of his life.

May 16, 2020 his life turned into a heaven. Words often fail us for people who rescue a discarded dog, or kitten.  Rescuing one from a killing station. Young was one of them. On the one hand he was an intensely sad old Podenquito with us, but that turned into an intensely happy dog ​​who, thanks to his owners, got everything that could still be alive,... Everything,...

For two years he enjoyed life. Walked, lazed around, played mischief. Running like a tough Podenco on the beach with his nose in the wind. Eat like a King at his table of honour, day after day, Hugged as if he couldn't take it anymore, wagged his tail as if it would never stop. He enjoyed this life, got everything out of it, but also everything, thanks to rescue people who gave him that chance, ... The gratitude and The friendship that came up against this cannot be described in words,…

As his owner so beautifully described: "I would like to say so much, but words would not do him justice, we are so deeply sad for the life he had to live, but so intensely grateful that we have been able to make a difference for almost 2 years. him. He was a beauty of a dog ..." Young, an example to so many others,...

Rescue is the most rewarding act imaginable and you, dear Young, were one of them…

Rest now little Podenquito… You will remain in our hearts forever."

To see the lovely video, please look at the Dutch blog.

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