March 21, 2021

A wonderful reunion ...

 Saturday, March 20, 2021

Our Rory and her girlfriend Lorelai, (now Rozy and Luna), met each other last Sunday, after years apart.

Both were saved by us together with their puppies; they were very frighted dogs who didn't know human contact when they were brought into ACE | Shin. ... Each of them was a project in herself, but so worth it.

Lorelai was adopted a while ago but our Rory only left  recently. Both owners reunited them in a forest and it was a wonderful day for both ... the most beautiful thing was that they looked at each other and immediately recognised each other. 

What must go on in those heads, in those heads of dogs that shared hell together both mothers, meeting by chance. And then to meet each other again after a long time -knowing that it is good now, both having owners who love them and much more  ... with so many people around them that fought for them,... their world has been saved, ...

A beautiful and intense Happy End!

You are doing well darlings !! With owners like this we can be more than reassured !!

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