Sunday, January 17, 2021
We've been fighting for its preservation for years as the owner is a Spanish man who doesn't like animals. Until now, it had worked out quite well, but always with ups and downs, but during the week he brutally warned us that we were no longer allowed to go there, because it was rented out. When we asked why we weren't getting priority rent, he got grim and said there were two options, either pay 200,000 for his (illegal land) or fuck off. Today came the construction materials and the galgo and podenco carts. He rented it out to a hunter, but this is to kick our hearts even deeper. It knows no limits how people behave; he doesn't like animals, he said ... so fuck off. We have always kept the site tidy, so as not to get into trouble with him. However, his site has been completely raised illegally so that the river cannot flow through and we therefore always flood, but that is allowed and possible .. now we are without a running meadow ... a sad sad event, and I really do not know how I can find a solution. The terrain actually has no value at all, in the sense that the river actually runs through it, but over the years he has raised and leveled it, with trucks - and trucks of earth, because of this the river no longer runs away and thus flows into our refugio at the front. Anyway, that was our Sunday news ...
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