August 24, 2020

Fabienne’s dog of the week: LOTTE

Monday, August 24, 2020

Lotte is a dog that is best placed alone, she is fine with other dogs but sometimes she reacts and then it goes wrong. She never really bites but snaps and lashes out. She is at her happiest when she gets the sole attention of her owner; then she is the best dog you can imagine.

People who really want just 1 dog and who want to work on her well-being should think of Lotte. She is a hurt soul who asks for love and attention, lies at your feet and is unconditionally loyal. She is suspicious for the first 15 minutes towards people she does not know, but once she is allowed to smell, and once she knows you she is really a sweetheart, such a very loyal loving dog.

Lotte deserves to get to know happiness, who will give this sweetheart the opportunity to experience that? With a build-up period and some mutual time it will certainly be fine !!

For more information about Lotte, with more about her background, please click on her name.

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