May 02, 2015

UPDATE: A Message from Fabienne about the threatened closure

UPDATE !!!!!
Fabienne writes ...

First and foremost we want to thank all of you for the many heartwarming expressions of support in this nightmare that is happening to us.

In the 15 years we have endured a great deal, accepted, resisted, overcome .. but this! I could never have imagined something like this. Never let myself think that such a thing could happen .. none of us could. 

The wave of heartwarming reactions, the help that has been offered, the amount of people who want to help, it is wonderful and that gives us courage.

People, thank you for this !!!

The way the situation is at the moment we need to co-ordinate all the offers of help and then proceed with a plan and get going. 

Until today we have not yet received the official mandate, the only thing we have is the countdown. Thirty days.

We have now to make all the preparations to make sure we get everything done the right way. What we need to do is :-

We will put up 20 temporary cages at the entrance and at the first part of the Refugio, to house 40 or 50 dogs leaving a complete section empty where the work can begin. 

We're going to work in teams; once we have all the tools, tiles, materials, we'll go straight to work. It just needs some time to prepare.

We have volunteers who will co-ordinate all the different offers of help etc. Please contact them if you can do so, in any way.

Warm greetings


The co-ordinators are :-

Manon Goldenbeld for the Netherlands,


Marc Meeussen for Belgium,

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