April 25, 2015

More Happy Endings - Ivy

Another story from the Dutch blog

Ivy on the sofa

Just a quick note about my sponsor dog, Ineke, now called Ivy. No respect to your name, Ineke, 
but we called her Ivy. Everything's going very wel. We go hiking, biking and running a lot with her. At the beginning she took a while to get used to things, she didn't eat very well but fortunately that's over now. She's very active and very playful. 

She doesn't find it much fun to be left alone, so we try as much as we can not to let that happen. She enjoys playing with other dogs but can be dominant. She does do anything but she sometiems growls and not all dogs like that. 

We absolutely love her and are really happy with the choice we made. We also go to a dog school with her and there she is doing extremely well and she likes it. She can be a bit stubborn but that's also a charanteristic of the breed.

Greetings from Yollin

Out and about.

Happy Endings!

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