October 31, 2020

A very nice message from Lucia's foster family

 Saturday 31 October 2020

Yesterday sweet Lucia left for her forever home. This morning I got these pictures, we are so happy for her. We couldn't have imagined a better place for her. ” Fostering is so important to our dogs, thank you very much to the foster family for ensuring that Lucia finally found her warm basket after 5.5 years.

If you would like more information about fostering, please click here

Fabienne's diary: Ramón and Ruso were left on a park bench!

 Friday, October 30, 2020

Ramón and Ruso, two normal kittens, were adopted as kittens by a family with children. They were played with, they had to act as dolls and being put in the pram - until things went wrong. Until they were dumped on a bench somewhere in a park in Algeciras, located in a better area of ​​the city. They were there in a corner, left to their fate, not knowing what had happened to them. Their faithful and soft eyes looked around incomprehensibly ...

Not much later the killing station was called because, of course, there were already some sad individuals who were annoyed by the kittens sitting there. Fortunately, one of the residents quickly took the initiative and brought them to us.

Two domestic cats, sweet and cuddly, who purr with gratitude. Noble and calm by nature. Two sweet little cats. How someone can have the heart to do this will always remain a mystery to us, but it is daily fare here and has no boundaries. Ramón and Ruso will certainly bring a lot of happiness to their new family.They are sweethearts !!

For more information about Ramón and Ruso please click on their names below their photos. Apologies - these little ones don't appear to be on the website so I can't give an English version. 

Perfect multitasking by a Spanish mastin!

Friday, October 30, 2020

Wandita, with one eye she looks at the Vuelta, with the other she keeps an eye on everything. 😁

October 30, 2020

Pamper your dog with a donut!

 Friday, October 30, 2020

In the chilly autumn months, those soft, warm donuts are a real treat for your dog. They really love them! And because only the best is good enough for your 4-legged (s), we offer you these high-quality donuts from Jack & Vanilla. You pay the same price as in the store, but ... the profit goes entirely to our dear ones in Spain!

70cm: 85.00 €

90cm: 115.00 €

105cm: € 145.00

125cm: 225.00 €

Colors: gray, white, brown-gray, white-gray (we will send you the photos per color on request)

Can be picked up in Lier, Mechelen or Overijse or sent to you (shipping costs in Belgium: € 9.20)

To order, mail to shop4ace@ace-charity.org

Robbe (now Ducky), what could he be dreaming about?

 Friday, October 30, 2020

Certainly not about that awful garage he'd been locked into for years. He is feeling too blissful for that, dozing on his new cushion. ❤️

The weekend is coming!!

 Friday, October 30, 2020

Strength to all people affected by Covid !! On behalf of all of us in the Refugio💖

Fabienne's diary: Paradentra! And so she was saved ...

Thursday 29 October 2020

Several months ago we took part in a large-scale rescue operation on a site where a sick woman kept dogs and neglected them very badly. Several dogs have not survived this neglect, others are only now showing some improvement, months later… Fortunately, many of them are already in their new home and are being spoiled there!

When we recently went to see if everything was still okay and if the sick person had not taken in more dogs , we saw a few dogs walking in the field.  Including this very sweet Bodeguero who, I told Noe I wanted to take with me at all costs, and it worked ... Just look at the video.*

The sweetheart came closer with little steps and even closer, and even closer. Until she came all the way to Noe and lay down on her back, gave herself completely.Then Noe said to Victor: “Paradentro, no ??” (Inside right?) We all laughed about it so much that we called her that too.

She is a fantastic sweet, submissive lady, who is now in foster care with them and treats everyone well. Big or small, Paradentra is all good.  She enjoys all the attention and is thankful over and over again. A very best feminine Bodeguero, ideal for children, with a family. She likes to go for a walk and to plays and being with her family is her greatest wish!

*Unfortunately there is no link to the video on the blogs or the website.

For more information about Paradentraa, please click on her name.


 Thursday 29 October 2020

Pascale makes beautiful boxes with a self-chosen name or words. Give one as a present for a birthday, a communion, birth, wedding or ... You can always put in something of a cent or gift certificate. Cost: 13 € (excluding shipping costs, and you can also round off) 🙂 The entire profit goes to our Refugio!

To order, post a message on the page https://www.facebook.com/ForSweetSouls/, if you don't have Facebook, you can also mail to pr.belgie@ace-charity.org

TOBINÉ, suddenly he starts to limp, ... a dislocation in his knee, ...

 Thursday 29 October 2020

Our little Tobine has been on our site since yesterday, but he suddenly started to limp from one leg while running. We went to the vet and took x-rays and it shows that he has a dislocation in one knee, that requires an operation, ... another one... it seems commonplace.

Who can help our Tobine?

October 29, 2020

Cookie and Woody (formerly Epi)

 Thursday 29 October 2020

Ten years ago Cookie and Woody came to us through ACE.

They are now 12, two seniors that we still enjoy every day😊

Greetings Marion


 Thursday 29 October 2020

They are back, our delicious brownies, in a very handy box! You can order them from now on at brownies4ace@gmail.com until November 15th. In the first half of December you can pick them up at collection points throughout Flanders (see below), and new ones have been added. You can still register as a collection point. Ordering for your family, friends, neighbours, colleagues and boss is also allowed. We are counting on your sales talent!

All proceeds will go to our dogs and cats in the refugio, so please do it!

Collection addresses:

prov Antwerp: Bornem, Heist od Berg, Lichtaart, Lier, Mechelen, Niel, Terhagen, St Kat Waver and Wilrijk;

prov Limburg: Hamont Achel, Genk and Tongeren;

prov Vl Brabant: Bellingen, Blanden, Erps Kwerps, Halle, Heverlee, Hoegaarden, Machelen, Overijse, Rummen, Tervuren and Zoutleeuw;

prov West Vl: Adegem, Beernem, Bruges, Gistel, Knokke and Waregem;

prov East-Vl: Aalst and Haaltert

Tyson, the lap dog😀

 Thursday 29 October 2020

This teddy bear has so much to catch up on ...


 Thursday 29 October 2020

She is donating 5% of every order to our dear ones in Spain!

First, have a look at https://www.facebook.com/lynn.tupperware.39/

To order, send an email to tupperwarelynn@gmail.com

Mention 'ACE | SHIN Warmest basket' with your order

Are you also organizing a warm promotion for our dear ones? Let us know at warmstemand4ace@gmail.com


 Thursday 29 October 2020

Butcher Chris from Machelen-Zulte sells delicious chocolate dog sweets and cats, wagtail sausages and Shin and veggie burgers, all for the benefit of our four-legged friends!

Chris and Geraldine and daughter Imogen are the lucky adopters of Chapar (ral), who is being spoiled by them 🙂

Address Butcher Chris: Posthoornstraat 64, 9870 Machelen - Zulte (between Deinze, Waregem, Kortrijk and Ghent)


Are you also organizing a warm promotion for our dear ones? Let us know at warmstemand4ace@gmail.com

Fabienne's diary: Rosie waited faithfully under a tree ...

 Wednesday 28 October 2020

This sweetheart was once a house dog, belonging to a family. You can read that in her. She was sitting under a tree one day when a passerby saw her sitting there. When the woman came by again the next day she was still sitting, always under the tree. She did not move. The third day again the same song, but then the woman approached and she was greeted kindly by this sweet dog, who then waited under the tree again. The woman went up to her and took her home where she drank and drank and drank.

Probably this sweetheart was dumped there and, faithful as she was, she remained waiting at the place of the last goodbye from her owner.  They will come and get me anyway. And she kept hoping for that. But nobody came.

Fortunately she was rescued and she was allowed to go to the woman's house. Unfortunately the Mastin of the house did not want to befriend Rosie and so Rosie ended up with us .

She is a good soul, looks well cared for and knows people and other animals. She is social and good with everyone! A good, good dog who waited faithfully under the tree where her former owners had dumped her.

For more information about our Rosie, please click on her name.

October 28, 2020

Our inseparable duo Maestro and Picolina together in the Dag Allemaal!

 Wednesday 28 October 2020

 One cannot do without the other. Who has a heart big enough for two?

For more information about Maestro and Picolina, please click on their names.

Diego in foster care in the Netherlands.

 Wednesday 28 October 2020

His foster mom says: “Diego is a really great dog.

Adapts easily.

He loves my children.

The cat also seems to be doing quite well, it is still exciting now and then, ... what a sweetheart of a dog! ”

For more information about Diego, please click on his name.

Just look at those amazing ears!!!

Just how unlucky can you be?

 Tuesday 27 October 2020

Last night's heavy wind has severely damaged the roof of the cat enclosure. It has gone up in the air and is beyond repair. We had to take it away and that is why our kittens are in the open air, without a roof over their heads.

We hope that the cat lovers will help us, many little bits of help together are a great help!

A new roof costs about 6000 euros, who helps our cats?

Via the Tikkie you can help with a few clicks.

Because a Tikkie cannot be transferred into the Spanish bank account, the amounts are transferred to the bank account of a Dutch volunteer. Everything is paid immediately!

Will you please pay me for "New roof for cat enclosure" via


This link is valid until November 9_

For people who cannot pay with just a little bit, you can deposit on the well-known account numbers stating Roof cat stay.

Solbank Banco Sabadel Calahonda

Account number: ES74 0081 0619 5800 0145 7846 attn. Animal Care Espana Dogs In Need



Account number: BE42 7805 9221 8254

t.n.v. Animal Care Espana Dogs In Need

To see the video of the damage, please click here.

Fabienne's Diary: Ilusionado was handed over to us by his hunter.

 Tuesday 27 October 2020

Ilusionado was lucky… He was a hunter's Galgo for 4 years,… 4 years is the age at which many hunting dogs are dumped, then the enthusiasm is gone and they become calmer, they are no longer as alert as is expected of them and then, they don't count anymore. They are replaced by the many puppies that have  been born in the meantime, to each of the many females who usually have to live there in terrible conditions.

This hunter is different; he comes to drop off a dog every year, but says himself that he would rather drop them off with us than hang them or kill them like his colleagues.

Ilusionado is not traumatised and is good looking, is very sweet and social and is a good Galgo. He was a hunter's dog but has been treated well, a sweetheart of a dog that now has to find a good and loving family. That should work for this handsome guy, who has everything to offer !!

For more information about sweet Ilusionado, please click on this name.

For the video, please click here.

October 27, 2020

In memoriam Juul (ACE Julio)

 Tuesday 27 October 2020

10 years ago, October 7, 2010 we adopted Julio (now Juul), a black dog. He was a very scared dog, especially of men; this has never really gone away, he only trusted me. We have given him 10 more beautiful years. Unfortunately we had to put him to sleep today. He was operated on, on Wednesday last week, his spleen was removed, he had a tumor there, malignant. We wanted to give him a few more nice months, unfortunately he has not really recovered. I miss him enormously and I am very sad, but I am also relieved that he no longer has to suffer, gr Ingrid 🐾🌈

Amber (Ace Ambra)

 Tuesday 27 October 2020

Dear ACE 

We would like to give an update about Amber. She has been with us for two years on October 25 and she is doing well. She is so sweet and grateful we couldn't be without her any more.

Dog Planet is concerned with the fate of our Tobbe.

 Tuesday 27 October 2020

Dog Planet is also very concerned with the fate of our Tobbe, and is organizing an action for him! Hopefully we will get the much needed money for an operation, to get this sweetheart to walk normally again. You can also buy stuff there, and donate part to Tobbe.


To see the video of sweet Tobbe, please click here.